Welcome Sun 10:30 Worship, Food Pantry Wed 9a-2p. Watch Worship Online

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Digital News

Here's What's Happening in the Life of the Church

Just TEXT the word "check" to church phone number to let us know you are 'viewing' Worship services.

It's so easy! After you watched the weekly message, use your smart phone to send a text message to the church phone # 352-683-2600. Text the word "CHECK" and send along, instantly you will be sent a link and if you follow that link you can check in yourself and any others in your household as having viewed the weekly message. This helps us stay connected to you and know that you are actively participating in the life of the church. Go ahead and save the number as a contact in your phone as there will be additional features available as well.

Sunday's Sermon -

Pastor Greg continues the sermon series on A Righteous Faith. This Sunday's topic will be “Alive in Christ” using scripture from Romans 6.

You will be able to watch this in real time (Sunday @ 10:30 am), along with past services and archived services using our link "Worship Online" below.

Please consider serving the Lord at your church, see link below!


We are just asking for help and support for our leaders of each group...

  1. Assist small group leader for grades K – 1st on a rotation basis. This may include helping children read or write, complete a lesson activity, or a craft that supports the lesson.
  2. Assist small group leader for grades 2nd – 3rd on a rotation basis. This may include helping children read or write, complete a lesson activity, or a craft that supports the lesson.
  3. Assist small group leader for grades 4th – 5th on a rotation basis. This may include helping children complete a lesson activity, engage in discussion of the lesson, and helping ensure all the children are participating.
  4. If games are your gift, there is a rotation schedule to help with organized games from 10:00 – 10:25.
  5. Volunteers are welcome and encouraged. If interested, we will find a place for you.

A class for our 3-year-old children is in the works. If you feel called to fill this opportunity as the lead person OR are interested in assisting a lead person in this class, we are excited to hear from you.

Please contact Lynn Logue if you are interested in volunteering in the children’s ministry in any of these capacities.

VOLUNTEER Requirements for Children's Ministry:

·        Complete Background Check

·        Training / Orientation

Caring for others and for yourself...

The Gift of Life...Save a life...Give blood.

August 11th is quickly approaching and WooHoo the LifeSouth Bloodmobile will be at our church again in the back courtyard. Please find time between 8 am and 2 pm to donate to the LifeSouth Bloodmobile. Be sure to eat a good breakfast before donating. Note: the techs will stay as long as needed to be with every donor. Serving others who are in need of blood is the most wonderful gift you can give. Come join us so we can Thank You, which is our gift to you for your generous action to save lives. 

Besides supplying saving blood to local hospitals, LifeSouth also provides over 150 unit of blood and blood products daily to the Moffitt Centers. Every drop you give matters to someone in dire need. They also provide to Oak Hill Hosp, Access Health, and Citrus County hospitals.

All donors will receive a $25 eGift card and free cholesterol screening. Donors must be 16 or older, weigh at least 110 lbs, and show photo ID. 16-year-olds require written parental permission.

Blood Pressure checks August 11th Nurse Lisa White will be in our church Library (off the Sanctuary lobby) after worship service taking blood pressures and answering questions related to health and medication. Why not stop by - It’s always a good time to have your B/P checked!

Adult Bible studies- * something new & a new invite to a Small Group home bible study, see below

Sunday Adult Class meets at 9 am, in the Sanctuary building:

Rock for All Ages in S# 2. All are welcome. We meet all year long!

Christianity Today will resume August 18th in S#4. We will finish our study of "The Agents of the Apocalypse" and move into a study of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation. 

New Life Last meeting May 5th. See you in the fall!

Spiritual Gifts Bible Study. Karen McCleskey is leading a 6 week course that began July 22nd. "Spiritual Gifts" is using a workbook for weekly personal study. Deadline for ordering one has passed. Group meets Mondays at 1 pm - 3pm.

Lamplighters Bible Study Tuesdays resumes Tuesday, August 13 from 11 am to noon in classroom #3 of bldg D. We will be studying the Book of Romans. Study guides will cost $5.

Pastor Greg will begin a new Wednesday evening study on August 21st at 6 pm in bldg B. More info on the topic of study to follow.

Men's Apologetic's Bible study Taking a break for the summer. Resumes Sept 10th.

Men's Bible study Taking a break for the summer. Resumes Sept 12th.

Mary Martha Bible study Taking a summer break. The group resumes Sept 17th.

Our SpringLife Small Group continues to meet at various homes on the 2nd at 4th Thursdays of each month. Our next time together is August 8th. We are currently studying the Sermon on the Mount. We are looking to grow the group. If you are interested in joining us, contact leaders Dave or Karen Laforme (h) 352-610-9408. We meet at 7 pm for about 2 hours. We set aside 1 hour for the lesson, 20 minutes for prayer, and offer refreshments.

Pastor Greg led a Bible study on the Book of Hebrews earlier this year. For your convenience, we have recorded each week and placed a link to the entire series! It's a great opportunity for anyone unable to drive in the evenings or would like a Bible study you can follow in its entirety at your own pace. Click the link below for the youtube page which will list all the weeks of Pastor Greg's Hebrew study.

New "Act Like Men" Breakfast, Saturday, Sept. 14 from 8- 9:30 am

This first time meeting will be a BYO (bring your own) breakfast to meet with other men of the church in Building B. Discussion will be the strong men God calls us to be in 1 Corinthians 16:13 "Be on alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. All that you do must be done in love" and Sharpen your Faith as Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" If interested, join us and if there are any questions, contact Bill Gamlin or Bryan Sullivan thru the church office. For future meetings we will like to provide breakfast.

NextGen Ministries for Kids & Pre- Teens

Our Children's Director is Tonya Stout. Kid's Church is up and running each Sunday morning at 10:30 am. Meet us in building A. We are in the middle of VBS week and the kids adults and teens are having a great time.


Our doors open at 10 am on Sunday. This allows time for parents to check their kids in and get to church on time. Kids have time to play together. Kids church worship begins at 10:30 am and is interactive. We give our offering to Jesus and thank Him for all the things He does for us. We open with prayer, discussion of our key point, participate in music time, listen to the Bible Story, and break into small groups for further exploration and study of the lesson. Kids 4 years of age through 5th grade are welcome. We have a few sixth graders who enjoy helping and participating also.

Pick up time for your kids is immediately following the service.

Our curriculum is Bible based. We recently started studying the books of the Bible and are beginning with Genesis.

The children are inquisitive and enjoy engaging in conversations about the Bible, the lesson, and sometimes challenge us with some of their thought-provoking questions requiring us to dig a little deeper or even research the answers.  



Check your child into building A. You will be greeted when you arrive. We will collect your contact information as well as your child’s information to determine which grade he/she will be attending. Your child will be introduced to other children, and you will be on your way to participate in Worship. After the service, you return to pick-up your child.


We ask that you notify us of any allergies and/or other pertinent information we may need to know about your child.

Youth Ministry

The Youth Group meets each Sunday evening from 5 pm - 6:30 pm in building A inviting all teens to join us for an hour filled with Bible teachings, food, games and Jesus. Mike Conway is our Youth Minister. Each week we begin with a fun time, usually a game of modified volleyball. Then we come together for a lesson and time for discussion. If time permits, we conclude the evening with a little more fun. We would like to encourage all of the youth from sixth grade to twelfth grade to come and join us for an evening of fun and growing in our faith, understanding, and knowledge of our Lord.

We are committed to building stronger generations of faith, hope and love through Jesus Christ. From Biblical teaching and group discussion to wild games and fun, SpringLife is the place for youth to be.

Prayer and Healing Ministry

Almost 50 Prayer Partners receive updates on all prayer requests via email, to pray over and intercede for requests each week. You may wish to be included as a prayer partner so call Lorenda in the office to add your email to the group. Submit prayer requests through our website or call the church office. We celebrate Praises and answers to prayer also. Prayer requests, updates and praises are shared each week as the Prayer list is updated and sent to all in the Ministry weekly either via email and on the printed copy found in the Sanctuary lobby each Sunday.

Gideons is our July M.O.M.

The Gideon’s International exists as an advocate for the lost, to bring the saving knowledge of the Word through not only placing and distributing Scriptures, but also through personal witnessing and by associating together for service. As a united force for the Gospel, they remain rooted in tradition, but operate under the firm belief that anyone can be a valuable asset to this invaluable cause. They provide many opportunities to partner through either prayer or financial support to spread the Good News.

The majority of Gideons live and serve in their local communities,  making us very effective and efficient because . . . 

· They know the local language and customs. 

· They know where the hotels, schools, prisons, hospitals and other  locations where Scriptures need to be distributed are located. 

· Sometimes, we're able to establish local groups of Gideons in countries where traditional missionaries aren't allowed to go.

Members of The Gideons International are selected by the organization based on the recommendations of pastors in a given area. A prospective Gideons must be a Christian, a businessman or former businessman or other professional, at least 21 years old and male.

Gideons distribute Bibles either by giving them directly to the recipients or by placing them in public locations, including hotels and motels; prisons and jails; hospitals and medical centers; and domestic violence shelters. The Bibles are printed in more than 100 languages; however, they are typically only distributed in the languages or languages of the local area. For example, Gideons in Texas likely distribute Bibles in both English and Spanish, whereas Gideons in Montana likely only distribute them in English. They focus distribution efforts on several demographics, including public school students in the fifth grade and above; prisoners; and police, fire, medical and military personnel. Bibles are also distributed to anyone that a Gideon might encounter and be inspired to provide them to. To support this ministry, click on the M/O.M. link below.

Also there are Gideon brochures in the lobby on the Mission Table. Pick one up. You may like to use it throughout the year for a special designation in honor or in memory of. ~Bill Gamlin

Books of the Bible on video

Some of the most beautiful passages of the Bible can be found in Psalms, and in Jesus' spoken words in the New Testament. Many of our SpringLife members and guest recorded chapters and whole books for your listening enjoyment. All New Testament books are available,as well as many of the Old Testament favorites. Accessing them is easy. Click the link below and choose where you want to begin. You can start and stop at any point.

We would love volunteers willing to help us finish recording the Old Testament books (filled with unusual names). Call the office and we'll work with you on this challenge so we can complete the Bible.

Monthly Ministry Updates

We have a few events you will want on your calendar for the months ahead:

Hymn Sing: Outreach Team is hosting another popular Hymn Sing on Saturday, August 10 at 4 pm in bldg B. Hope to see you all there!

Car Show: The Outreach Team has scheduled a Car Show for Saturday, Sept 14th. More info to follow in coming weeks.

5th Sunday Church Family Potluck Our last (first) one was so popular, we are looking forward to Sunday Sept 29th when you can bring another favorite dish to share! Come join us after the worship time to gather with old friends and new ones!

Fall Fest The Outreach Team is planning a fall event on October 5th. Information to follow in coming weeks.


Ladies, are you interested in connecting with other ladies of the church and community? We have a great time when we get together at the New Walk Women's Ministry. We start with a devotion and prayer time, then switch to games, crafts, a DVD, or other activity. We are taking a short break for the summer and will meet again August 16th, when we'd love to have you join us! ~ Lynn Logue

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." ~ Psalm 119: 105


Foodie Tour's... If you enjoy eating out, making new friends, socializing and having a fun time, the SpringLife Foodie Tour is for you. Sign up on the Central Hub so we can let the restaurant know how many are coming!

Foodie Lunch Tour...Please come join the foodie lunch group on August 8 at the Long Horn Steak House on hwy. 50 in Spring Hill. They serve excellent food at reasonable prices. Please note that we will meet at 11:15 a.m. at the request of the restaurant. There is no agenda to these lunches other than meet and greet. How easy is that! Each person is responsible to pay his own way. Sign up on the Central Hub to join us.

Foodie Dinner Tour…Please consider joining us for our next dinner on August 15th at 6 pm. We are going to Cracker Barrel on Commercial Way. Each person pays his or her own way. Sign up on the HUB to reserve your seat(s).

Men's Ministry...The Men are adding a new monthly Bible study "Act Like Men". Fuel Your Body & Spirit... See above announcement.


Do you love to read and be around books, lots of them? If you are looking for a place to volunteer, but are limited in time, maybe the library is the place for you. You could serve on a rotation schedule. We will train you on the check in / check out process and feel certain you will enjoy your time serving. You can also visit with patrons as they stop in to look for specific items or just to say hello.

Volunteer Opportunities:

·       Tuesday mornings from 10 – noon, on a rotation schedule.

·       Sunday mornings 10:00 – 10:30 and 10:30 – 11:45 on a rotation schedule.

·       We can discuss additional opportunities if it better suits your schedule.

~Please contact Lynn Logue or the church office if you are interested.

Library circulation remains active. We appreciate donations and we evaluate each one for cataloging into the library, to offer them on the “free shelf” or to donate to other entities depending on condition, topic, and if the item is currently available in the library. We have a vast collection of books cataloged on the web for you to check out.

The library is open whenever the church is open. If the librarian, or volunteer, are not available, you can check out books by writing your name and the complete date on the card and leaving the card on the desk. You will find the card in the back of the book, CD, or DVD.

Thank you for your continued interest and support in the SpringLife Church Library.   Lynn Logue, Library Ministry Leader

Ladies in Faith Together "L.I.F.T."

Ladies, you are a visible, vital link in maintaining L.I.F.T.'s identity as a strong, thriving ministry. The LIFT board members are planning more special event for later in the year. They would welcome your assistance, to put on more events for you. Even just a little help goes a long way in sharing the workload. Many hands make light work, so please we'd love for you to become an active member, not just a guest. Contact President, Jackie Stout.   

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We are taking a summer break from meeting, and will resume our monthly gathering on September 18th at 10:30 am in building D, classroom #1. If you like to knit or crochet, the office will still accept your finished shawls for Pastor to bless during the summer. Please follow the size guidelines. They are VERY IMPORTANT. We have found these sizes to be best… For Baby Prayer Blankets: approximate size 29” by 29”. NO fringe please, and also solid soft colors are preferred. For Adult Prayer Shawls - please keep them to this size: 26” by 60” (no fringe), or 26” x 55” (with fringe). This adult size is very important—if they are too short, they don’t wrap around an adult comfortably. If they are too long and have extra fringe, they can get caught in the wheels of a wheelchair, or create a safety hazard. Please bring completed Baby Blankets and Shawls to the office and Pastor Greg will bless them. ~Jackie Stout


GriefShare Ministry - will hold the next 13-week session in the fall with date and time TBD. We will be using their "new" workbook (as the last updates were ten years ago), which covers topics not previously discussed.

Congregational Care Report- Monthly Report

“Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Care Companions

We currently have 7 active Care Companions.

We have seen some recent changes in need and could benefit from a couple of NEW Care Companions who could call on our members. 

Tuesday night dinners. You need to register on-line for this dinner each week. We offer dine in and take out. Our Purpose: We serve in Jesus’ Name to share and fellowship all He has set before us, providing food for the body and spiritual support for the soul. We average over 70 meals each week, and encourage dine-ins over drive through. We can always use a few more volunteers.

NOTE: We will no longer be offering take-out meals starting September 3rd. ~Sincerely, Jan Griffioen 

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry hosts Cup of Faith. Our time of coffee, brunch and fellowship is held in bldg B, the third Sunday of each month after the worship service. Cup of Faith has become a well attended time to socialize after church. And the 'buffet' spread is exceptional, thanks to our talented and dedicated "chef" and helpers.

The drive-thru Pantry is open every Wednesday from 9 am to 2 pm in the back parking lot.

For our Wednesday pantry news:Thank you for your monetary donations . With your help, we are able to purchase items in quantity and at a lower cost than what is displayed on grocery shelves and fliers. Your generous contributions are quickly turned into food for our clients. The products received from Farm Share have decreased due to their funding which in turn has caused our expenses to increase. God Bless , ~Larry & Rose Milks

Kairos Prison Ministry "Kairos Inside" was at Lowell Correctional Institution for our spring weekend recently. Thirty six incarcerated women were ministered to and many gave their lives to Jesus Christ! We saw God move in the lives of many of these women. And we felt God's power overcome the efforts of Satan throughout the weekend. Please pray for the ladies as we continue to keep in contact with them and help them grow in their Christian faith. Thank you for your prayers! ~Sincerely, Chaplain Rhonda Overman

Ask the Administrator, Bob Coldwell


Summer is just around the corner and we're making preparations for our VBS in July. There are many ways you can get involved and invest in the kingdom.

The SPR committee is excited to announce that we have selected a candidate as our Kids Ministry Leader. Her name is Tonya and we look forward to introducing her to the church as she begins in early June.

Finance Update thru Apr:

Operating Expenses: $289,324

Operating Income: $286,576

Mortgage Expenses: $23,500

Mortgage Giving: 23,301


What a great Easter season we had! From our Eggstravaganza, Good Friday, and Easter morning services, it was a way to share God's love and message with our community.

We're finalizing our VBS plans and narrowing our search for the next Children's Ministry Leader. Summer is fast approaching and there's plenty of ways you can participate!